Popis problému: Bezdrátová klávesnice DELL problém KM5221W (KM 5221W) - píše sama, opakuje sama písmenka a DEL a BACKSPACE
ENGLISH: Wireless keyboard DELL problem KM5221W - writes itself, repeats the letters and DEL and BACKSPACE
Po koupi bezdrátové klávesnice DELL KM5221W - KM 5221 W - se mi občas dějí na počítači divné věci. Občas se stane, že se začne samo psát vybrané písmenko. Ve většině případů jde o klávesu C. Někdy se stalo, že mi naopak písmenka začala z textu mizet. Samovolně se stiskla klávesa BACKSPACE nebo DELETE. Bohužel se tento problém děje dost nahodile. Je to třeba jednou za týden nebo jednou za čtrnáct dní.
Řešení problému: Bezdrátová klávesnice DELL problém KM5221W (KM 5221W) - píše sama, opakuje sama písmenka a DEL a BACKSPACE
Uvedené problémy jsme opravdu na inkriminované klávesnici zpozorovali. Oslovili jsme několik dalších zákazníků, kteří klávesnici u nás zakoupili a ty nám potvrdili, že podobný typ závady také zaznamenali. Asi by se nejednalo o tak velký problém. Pokud klávesnice napíše pár písmen, horší je, že se stalo jednomu zákazníkovi, že se opakovaně samovolně aktivovala klávesa DELETE. V ten moment zakazník zrovna klikal na zástupce na ploše a zástupce to smazalo. Zástupce jsme obnovili z koše. Bohužel hrozí větší nebezpečení. Pokud by se delete aktivoval zrovna při kliknutí na soubor, prostě by to soubor smazalo bez toho, aniž byste něco postřehli.
V tomto směru nám to přijde jako velice nebezpečné chování. Bohužel, údaje máme zatím pouze od pěti zákazníků, proto Vás chceme touto cestou poprosit: Pokud máte nějaké podobné zkušenosti s uvedenou klávesnicí - dejte nám vědět (uveďte nám i slovní popis vašeho problému). Pomůžete tím případně odhalit možnou chybu. Záhadné chování se projevovalo i u klávesnice, kde byl stažený a instalovaný nejnovější firmware pro klávesnici.
Účelem článku není vrhnout na značku DELL špatnou recenzi, ale zjistit - jestli se jedná o výskyt pár vadných kusů nebo jestli jde o systémovou chybu např. softwaru, či hardware klávesových klapek. Produkty DELL nadále považujeme za nejvyšší možnou kvalitu při prodeji serverů, notebooků a dalších komponent!
Děkujeme za Vaši zpětnou reakci. Vaše zprávy pište na Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript. nebo využijte formulář pod článkem.
Na klávesnici se špatně hledá štítek s označením modelu, proto přikládáme foto klávesnice.
Aktualizace informací ze dne: 22.6.2023
Na článek reagovala desítka IT pracovníků, že se s podobnými problémy setkali. Někteří z nich museli uživatelům obnovovat data ze záloh, protože došlo ke smazání souborů. Jednoduchá obnova z windows koše nebyla možná, na klávesnici pravděpodobně došlo k aktivaci kláves SHIFT+DELETE (to je samozřejmě možné - uživatel stisknul SHIFT pro označení souborů, se kterými chtěl pracovat - označil je a klávesnice mu k tomu nahodile přimáčkla klávesu DELETE = výsledkem je smazání souboru bez uložení do koše).
Důrazně doporučujeme model klávesnice IHNED vyřadit a nepoužívat !!!!!!!!
Problém se netýká pouze modelů klávesnice z distribuce pro Českou republiku. Reakce na článek přišly i ze zahraničí čili globální keyboardproblem nebo možná je keyproblem:-)
Reklamace tlačte do řešení pomocí dobropisů - výměnou za novou klávesnici si s největší pravděpodobností nepomůžete.
English information
- you can simulate problem if you plug USB disk (old - not SSD) very near to Dell dongle.
- you can simulate problem if you plug iPhone to USB very near to Dell dongle.
- Second I found that problem appear especially on HP notebooks, but on other computer too.
- Upgrade firmware does not help!!!
Some reactions from other users:
Customer 1
Hi, We bought about 300 of this wireless sets (KM5221W) and during a year it happened about 10 times, or more precisely, the issue has been reported to IT about 10 times. The issue is that the front window in Windows that have focus (receives kbd/mouse events) started deleting its objects. I mean that the content of MS Word document which was opened was deleted, PPTX presentation content was deleted, but also all files/folders in Windows explorer window were deleted, email from Outlook were deleted and so on. For some time we simply updated firmware in the affected sets, but recently it has happened to a set that have the last firmware and full batteries. I have already opened a ticket with Dell Support, but they told me that we are the first customer who reported this issue and I doubt it will lead to nowhere if all customers do not do the same. It is hard to prove such behavior if it happens so infrequently.
Customer 2
Hello, our company bought about 200 of these keyboards and mice, and we are also having these issues intermittently. Not everyone, but a significant amount of users - maybe 15%
Customer 3
We have the same problem with two sets of KM5221W. I use one and sometimes the (not physical) button either "R" or "C" gets stuck. It doesn't happen that often, so I don't deal with it. But the second set is used by the director and the "delete" button gets stuck, so for example this morning he accidentally deleted emails in Outlook and some shortcuts on the desktop due to this problem. This is the second time this has happened in the space of 2 months and now thanks to your article I know it really is a set. After today's incident, I thought of disconnecting the set from the laptop and the disappearing files disappeared immediately. I will try to complain to the supplier, hopefully they will face it. Thanks for this article.
Customer 4
Hello Jan I have exactly this problem and found your article by searching Google for "KM5221W backspace" My organisation has around 75 of these models and I have had to restore files, emails to recover deleted data. I have had about 10 users experience this issue. I would suspect it relates to radio interference between keyboard and USB dongle. However, the device should tolerate interference better. Firmware updates via Dell Peripheral Manager have not fixed it for us. I have yet to report this to Dell. If you have any further progress since you posted this article, please do let me know - it would be greatly appreciated.
Customer 5
Hello, I have the same problem described in the article. Please advise, is it for a complaint, or can it be solved somehow? thank you for your answer
Customer 6
Hi, we have the same problems with this Keyboard/Mouse Set. We bought about 15 and installed them in customers offices. Some of the sets came together with Dell Optiplex 5000, and some were bought separately. The problems are as described above. The worst problem is that the Delete-button activated itself and deleted E-mails and data. We immediately stopped selling them. We opened a Dell Support Case and Dell sent us new sets, but the problems also occur with the new Sets.
Customer 7
Hi. Same with us. We are a small Engineering company and only had two of the same keyboards/mouse , KM5221W, but both would start to randomly delete items. For me, it deleted all emails from Jan 2024 back to June 2023, in my inbox, within a second or two but I did find them all in an archive folder after a lot of time searching. When I pressed Esc on the keyboard it did stop the curser from jumping and deleting. The second time I was in Excel and it started to delete within the cell, deleted the spreadsheet and then started to jump from one icon to another on the desktop, again at very high speed. The M.D. had a lot of emails deleted too within seconds and they couldn't be found. Some were retrieved but a lot lost. Again the cursor jumped from icon to icon on his desktop but didn't delete anything. When he was typing an email the keyboard started to input a letter continuously again at high speed. When he started to delete that letter, the email was deleted and then the emails in inbox started to delete. I spent just over an hour on the phone with Dell for them to replace our keyboards with a different make and they said it was not possible. They have sent out two of the same make replacements and have advised that they will escalate the issue if these new ones produce the same issue. So basically they're using their customers for 'testing purposes'. We are not going to use the replacements as the risk is just too high. Luckily we were both at our PC's when this random deletion occurred. I'd dread to think what could happen if this error activated itself when we are not at the PC. We will replace both keyboards with a different make.
Customer 8
Hello, we also have 3 pcs of this Dell set at our company and two users have already encountered similar behavior.
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