How to disable watchdog on many routers - listed on separated files
STEP 1 - Install PUTTY on your computer
You can download PUTTY on this page:
STEP 2 - Create FOLDER for example C:\TOOLS
Copy plink program from c:\Program Files\PuTTY\ to your folder C:\TOOLS
STEP 3 - Create .BAT file with this code (for example: no-watchdog.bat). This file save to C:\TOOLS folder.
Change port, user, password in this code and copy all lines to no-watchdog.bat file.
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM SSH user password and port
set "username=admin"
set "password=yourpassword"
set "sshPort=22"
set "inputFile=ip.txt"
REM Loop through router IP addresses from the file
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%r in ('type "%inputFile%"') do (
set "routerIP=%%r"
echo Disable watchdog on IP: !routerIP!
plink.exe -ssh !username!@!routerIP! -P !sshPort! -pw !password! -batch "/system watchdog set watchdog-timer=no"
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Problem with connection to IP: !routerIP!
STEP 4 - Create file IP.txt - in our C:\TOOLS folder
In this file you write IP addresses of Mikrotik routers.
For example:
STEP 5 - Run .bat file - no-watchdog.bat
IF you will have problems with certificate notification - modify line witch plink like this
echo y | plink.exe -ssh !username!@!routerIP! -P !sshPort! -pw !password! "/system watchdog set watchdog-timer=no"