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Zranitelnost Apache Log4j - Log4Shell - CVE-2021-44228

Objevena nová zranitelnost systémů využívající Log4j

Zde je podrobný seznam ohrožených Apache projektů:

Project Status
Apache Archiva Affected, release 2.2.6 will address this
Apache Calcite Avatica Affected, update to 1.20.0
Apache Camel Not affected
Apache CloudStack Not Affected
Apache Druid Affected, update to 0.22.1
Apache EventMesh Affected
Apache Flink Affected
Apache Fortress Affected, update to 2.0.7
Apache Geode Affected, update to 1.12.6, 1.13.5, 1.14.1
Apache Guacamole Not Affected
Apache Hadoop Not affected, uses log4j 1.x
Apache Hive Affected
Apache HTTP Server (httpd) Not affected
Apache Iceberg Not Affected
Apache Jena Affected, update to 4.3.1
Apache JMeter Affected
Apache JSPWiki Affected
Apache Log4J 1.2 Not Affected, see CVE-2021-4104. Note Log4j 1.x is EOL since 2015.
Apache Log4J 2.x Affected, update to 2.16.0
Apache Log4Net Not affected
Apache Maven Not affected, Maven 3.1+ uses lsf4j simple-logger
Apache OFBiz Affected, update to 18.12.03
Apache Ozone Affected, update to 1.2.1
Apache SkyWalking Affected, update to 8.9.1
Apache Solr Affected, update to 8.11.1
Apache Spark Not affected, uses log4j 1.x
Apache Struts Affected
Apache Tomcat Not Affected
Apache TrafficControl Affected
Apache ZooKeeper Not affected, uses log4j 1.x
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